US Soccer Online Licenses (4v4, 7v7, 9v9, 11v11)
It is MANDATORY that all new RECREATIONAL coaches complete one of the above 4-hour online courses.
Click the buttons below for Recreational Coach Checklists

The course selected should be based on the game appropriate model and age they coach.
The “4v4” “7v7” “9v9” “11v11” online license courses take approximately 4-hours to complete and provide instruction in recreational coaching using the Play Practice Play methodology.
The focus of this grassroots course is to share best practices in creating a fun, educational, activity-centered and age-appropriate environment for youth players.
Topics will include the Six Tasks of a US Soccer Coach:
- Coaching Training Sessions
- Leading the Team
- Managing the Performance Environment
- Coaching Games
- Leading the Player
- Leadership
Course Length: 4 hours total (Online)
- Create a coaching profile in the US Soccer’s Learning Center (LC)
- Complete the US Soccer Introduction To Grassroots Coaching Module
- Minimum Age: 16 years
Cost: $25
How to Register
Step 1: Register to take any of the online licenses within the Cal South system by clicking here
Step 2: Make sure you have created your LC account and have taken the Introduction to Grassroots Coaching Module.
Step 3: Register within the LC to take the online license course using your code.
Additional Cal South Requirements:
KIDSAFE Risk Management Program (For Legal Adults Only)
If you are 18 years old or older you will need to adhere to our KIDSAFE Risk Management Program. All legal adults must have their fingerprints cleared by the Department of Justice before they are allowed on the field with our youth. To complete this, you will need to download our live scan form which can be taken to any servicer. You can do a quick google search for “local live scan locations” and take your form to them. The cost will range anywhere from $15-$30. Keep your copy of the live scan form after the service is done until you have received an email confirmation that we have received your results. On average it takes from 1-14 days to receive results back from the Department of Justice. We will update your Cal South profile as soon as that clearance comes in.
Click here for our live scan form.
For assistance registering with Cal South, please email