Host a coaching event for your league or club. Cal South is ready to assist league and clubs in customizing a coaching event to the needs and demands of their local area coaches.
We offer topical clinics for recreational clubs as well as the ability for leagues and clubs to host a facility to hold an “In Person License” course for competitive needs. The host placing the request to host an event should be a board member with a league or club affiliated with Cal South. Once the event is created, we will email the event registration link to the host so they may further provide it to their members.
Any questions regarding this process should be addressed to
Recreational Coaching Clinics
Topics Available to Choose From:
- Laws of the Game
- Teaching Proper Techniques
- Organizing & Running Effective Practice Sessions
- Small-Sided Soccer
- Fun Games Kids Love to Play
- Team Management (Coaching Philosophy, Roles of the Coach, Methods of Coaching, Sideline Coaching)
- Beginners Guide to Team Tactics (U12 and above)
- Retrieval Games (U8 and below)
- Minimum age: 16 years old
- Participants: Min of 12
- Point of contact for host at event
Facility Requirement:
- Field (unlined okay)
- Host’s facility permit to be available if needed on day of event.
- Bathroom available
Course Length: 2-3 hours
Attendee Fee: Free
These coaching clinics are only available to Cal South member recreational leagues. These courses run two to three hours long, and there is no state certification for this clinic. The clinic is designed solely for the purpose of providing supplemental coaching education for recreational coaches.
This clinic has been structured as an educational resource provided by Cal South to our recreational leagues and is intended to introduce youth soccer to the coaches of recreational programs who have little or no experience coaching youth soccer.
The strength of the Cal South clinic is that it is designed to focus on specific soccer topic areas identified by you and your league. It can be set up to serve as an overview for all of your league’s first-year coaches or can be designed to target the coaches for specific age groups. Your league can determine the topic that will serve your recreational coaching needs best.
The true value of this program is also derived from being a hands-on clinic. with the action taking place in “the true classroom” upon the field. Active participation is strongly encouraged to add to the participants’ understanding and experience gained from the clinic, but is not required.
Each league can host this clinic free of charge, once a year, coordinated with Cal South’s Director of Coaching Education or Assistant Director of Coaching Education.
There is no state certification for this clinic. It is for educational purposes only. This clinic will be offered once per year and cannot be rolled over into subsequent years.
Competitive U.S. Soccer In Person Licenses
Licenses Available for Courses:
- 9v9 In Person License
- or
- 11v11 In Person License
Course Attendee/Host Prerequisites:
- Minimum participant age: 16 years old
- Number of participants (minimum): 12 attendees
- Point of contact for host who will be at event
- Host must provide one (1) team for the 2-hour field portion
Facility Requirements:
- Field for 2 hours (unlined okay)
- Classroom for 2 hours (presentation media read)
- One team for admins to conduct training
- Host’s facility permit to be available if needed on day of event.
- Bathroom available
- Field for 2 hours (unlined okay)
- One team for admins to conduct training
- Host’s facility permit to be available if needed on day of event
- Lecture will be conducted virtually via Zoom a day during the week prior to field training
Total Course Length:
- 4 hours – Duration of either license course is a total of 4 hours.
Topics will include “The Six Tasks of a U.S. Soccer Coach”
- Coaching Training Sessions
- Leading the Team
- Managing the Performance Environment
- Coaching Games
- Leading the Player
- Leadership
Attendee Personal Prerequisites:
- Minimum participant age: 16 years old
- Attendee must complete the following online:
- Step One: Create a coaching profile in the US Soccer’s Learning Center (LC)
- Step Two: Complete the “U.S. Soccer Introduction to Grassroots Coaching” Module
Attendee Fee:
- $75- to be paid by each attendee within the LC.
- Unfortunately, clubs cannot pay for group attendees.