US Soccer offers a one-time Crossover option for AYSO referees who are currently Intermediate or Advance level.
This option allows an existing AYSO referee in either of those levels to become a U.S. Soccer referee and bypass a few entry level requirements.
Crossover referees do NOT need to take a three-hour field training or complete the four-hour online referee course.
They simply pay the registration fees and complete the LiveScan process for Cal South.
Please note that state and federal compliance trainings are still needed. If you have already completed those trainings, we simply need copies of your certificates for SafeSport, Concussion, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Please download and print the AYSO Crossover Checklist using the button below to monitor your progress.
AYSO Crossover to USSF Referee Registration Checklist
Minimum age requirement: 13 Years of age
- Cost of $60 paid online to Cal South: To register and pay: click here
- Mail check or money order for $20 to USSF: 303 E Wacker Dr. Suite 1200, Chicago IL, 60601
Create a U.S. profile for the Referee: click here
After creating your profile, check your email inbox or spam folder for an email verification link sent by U.S. Soccer. Click on it to verify your email address. Note: If registering referee is a minor, both the referee and a parent must each click on the verification link.
If you completed your Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest trainings through AYSO, please email us both certificates. Otherwise, complete the training below through U.S. Soccer…
“Introduction to Safe and Healthy Playing Environments” is the second part of two course requirement components that must be completed through the U.S. Soccer Learning Center.
- To complete this course: Click here [Duration of course: 25 minutes]
Download this form, fill it out, and get the form signed: click here
Compliance Requirements
If you are 18 years of age or older and registering to become a referee, you must also complete the following two compliance items…
If you are 18 or older, you will need to complete the Department of Justice (DOJ) background check and Live Scan fingerprinting process.
- To complete this, download the Live Scan form and instructions: Click here
SafeSport Training needs to be completed annually by all referees 18 years or older.
- To register for a SafeSport Training course through the U.S. Soccer Learning Center: Click here
Additional Officiating Elements
- Join a local Referee Association in order to receive matches for work.
- To find a Referee Association in your area: Click here
Official Sports is the Official Apparel Provider for the Cal South Referee Program. Look professional out on the pitch with our line of Cal South Referee Program logo polos, jackets, and t-shirts. Need referee uniforms? Training gear for both on and off the field?
- Every purchase via the link below for the Official Sports/Cal South Referee Program’s online store helps with funding for our program: