
Seasonal Year FAQ

Change Timeline

  • 2025-26 Registration Period: Birth Year registration and Aug 1st seasons will remain available as they are currently.
  • Spring 2026 Registration Period: We will ask all clubs to begin using the School Year season available in the registration system as the standard starting with the Spring 2026 season.
  • 2026-27 Registration Period: The official new Seasonal Year age group standard (September 1st to August 31st) takes full effect as the only option.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s changing?
For the Spring 2026 season, creating Spring teams based on the upcoming changes will provide one season in which teams may adjust to the new Seasonal Year age group standard before the Fall 2026 season starts. Currently, we offer both Birth Year and Aug. 1st season selections.

For the 2026-2027 seasonal year and beyond, all participating Cal South affiliate leagues and clubs will use the Seasonal Year age grouping September 1st – August 31st (instead of the Birth Year method or August 1st season currently offered). This means players will be grouped based on their Seasonal Year rather than their Birth Year alone. This will be the only option available from that point forward.

Why the change from Birth Year to Seasonal Year?
This change ensures that all players, both competitive and recreational, have a greater opportunity to play with their friends from school. By aligning with the Seasonal Year, we’re fostering stronger team chemistry, a better player experience, and a more inclusive playing environment!

What does this mean for my Club or League?
We ask all Affiliate Member Leagues and Clubs to begin formal communications to their parents, players, and coaches explaining the upcoming changes to registration. The 2025-26 Fall season will be the last one in which Cal South offers both Birth Year and Seasonal Year options. Download the new Age Matrix: Click Here

Can players play down? Or up?
Players are not allowed to register for a team younger than their age in the Seasonal Year matrix. Players are allowed to register for a team in an older age group. There may be a few reasons for a player to register in an older age group, but player safety and long-term player development should always be considered before doing so.

What if my child were held back a year at school? How will this affect his team?
School grades do not play a part in this, just the child’s birth year. They would still play at the same level determined by the Age Matrix regardless of their school grade.

Is there anything coaches should be aware of with this change?
Coaches may find more success in bringing new players to their teams that are classmates of their current players. It is highly encouraged for coaches within the same club to collaborate with each other to consider which players may potentially be adjusting to a new team with new teammates.

Will this affect the State Cup and National Cup tournaments?
The change will not affect age requirements for the 2026 State Cup and National Cup competitions as they begin play before the Spring 2026 season.

Will this affect ODP?
Cal South’s Pro+ Olympic Development Program (ODP) will not be affected by the change from Birth Year to Seasonal Year. ODP has always grouped its pool selections and scouting solely on Birth Year and will continue to do so.

Recommended Best Practices

  • Preparing for the Spring 2026 season: Have Spring teams created based on the upcoming changes. Analyze your current teams to see what will need to change for each team when switching from the current season to the next when the shift from Birth Year to Seasonal Year occurs.
  • Team Adjustments: Some players will shift age groups, which may require clubs to reorganize teams, particularly at younger ages.
  • Tryout Adjustments: Clubs will need to determine how they handle tryouts and roster formation for the 2026 season and potentially the 2025 season in preparation for next year.
  • Communication to Parents: Clear messaging will be crucial to help families understand how their child’s team placement may change.