
Share Your Player’s Memories & Photos from Their Cal South ODP Experience

Best Entries May Be Selected for a New Regular Feature
on Cal South’s Website & Social Channels

Has your player taken part in Cal South’s Pro+ Olympic Development Program (ODP) currently or in the past? Have they been a member of one of Cal South’s highly successful ODP championship teams? Were they thrilled to be selected for a Summer or Winter ODP Pool? Do they have fond memories of being an ODP player and did it influence their life in a significantly positive way? Did their experience as an ODP player directly or indirectly lead to being selected for a college, national, international, or pro level team? Or did they simply have a terrific time attending one of our ODP Summer Camps?

If a player in your household or team can answer any of the above questions positively and wish to possibly be spotlighted on Cal South’s social media channels or CalSouth.com in the near future, we would love to hear from you.

We are starting a new regular feature on our Facebook and Instagram channels (and an occasional lead story here on CalSouth.com) called ODP Pro+Files, where we wish to highlight some of the incredible experiences of our ODP players, both current and alumni.

If you are open to sharing your player’s memories with us, please click on the button below and follow the link to fill out the submission form…

Once we receive your submission, a representative from Cal South will contact you with the next steps in the process, including photo submission. Please be patient if you have not back from us immediately. We will handle submissions in the order that we receive them.

Making a submission is NOT a guarantee of being posted on Cal South’s social media channels or CalSouth.com; submission is ONLY a guarantee of being considered for possible inclusion on these channels.

If you have further questions about submitting material or taking part in Pro+Files, please contact Rik Johnson at rjohnson@calsouth.com.

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